
Help serve children of abuse and neglect and invest in your community.

Donate today

This is because we are a 100% Volunteer organization when you donate to Royal family KIDS Pasco every dollar you give will go directly to make Camp a reality every summer for children of abuse, abandonment, or neglect. There are no paid staff or administrative fees.

Royal Family KIDS Camp is provided at no cost to the Foster Parents or the State of Washington. We raise all our own funds, and your generous donation will go to meet our $100,000 yearly budget to provide a week of Camp.

A place to donate is provided on this website or you may participate in one or all our four major fundraisers:

What Can 10 Do?

What Can 10 Do? is our online yearly fundraiser.

We ask for a minimum donation of $10. Then if you share our link with at least 10 of your friends and family asking them to do the same the funds grow exponentially.

$10 isn’t a lot for most of us but if a lot of us do a little we can make significant difference in the lives of children of abuse each summer.

Corporate Donors & Sponsors